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Patient Advocacy In Cancer Research

Patient advocacy is just as crucial as scientific research in the battle against cancer. Advocates offer a voice for those battling cancer, ensuring that their needs and experiences are the biggest priority in medical research and policy changes.

How Does Patient Advocacy Support Cancer Research? 

Patient advocates are a crucial force in driving research that’s innovative but also focused on the patient’s well-being. They work with researchers to ensure they design studies with patient health in mind, help develop more accessible clinical trials, and translate complex medical information into language that’s easy for patients and their families to understand. All of these actions lead to human-centered care and research that genuinely addresses the needs of those affected by cancer.

woman with cancer getting chemotherapy

Become A Patient Advocate 

Finding better treatments for cancer takes time, but patient advocates make it more focused, empathetic, and effective. If you want to become a patient advocate, consider supporting our cause. Besides helping us fund research, you’re joining a movement that places patients at the heart of the fight against cancer. Make a difference by donating to The Eileen Fund today.

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